Published date29 July 2021
Monster Garage Sale: Stirling Hall, Port Street, Stirling - Sunday, August 1, 10am. onwards.


Balclutha Friendship Club: Second Tuesday of month, 10am. SOT&C. Inquiries 027 418-3432.

Balclutha Scout Group: Keas, Cubs 8-10yrs, Ph 021 026-98064, Kath, or 027 669-4023, Julie.

Balclutha Playcentre: Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, Ph (03) 418-0547.

Budget Advice: Balclutha and Milton Ph (03) 418-0463, 027 781-1041,

Citizens Advice Bureau: Ph 0800 367-222 or email

Clinton Playcentre: 9.30am-noon Manse St, ph (03) 415-7031.

Clutha Valley Playcentre: 9am-1pm. Ph (03) 418-1529.

Milton Senior Citizens: In their rooms, fortnightly on Fridays 1.30 -3.30pm. Ph (03)417-8542.

Owaka Playcentre: Ovenden St, Community Early Childhood Education. Join us anytime between 9.15am to 12.30pm or call Rachel on 021 885-969 for more information.

Owaka Museum: Campbell Street, Owaka. Monday-Friday 9.30am-4.30pm. Saturday and Sunday 10am-4pm.

Southern Dance Academy: Quality dance classes, age 3yrs to adult and a variety of styles, during the school term. Contact Nicola on 027 520-0115 or

South Otago Amateur Radio (Ham Radio) Club: Ph (03) 418-1488.

South Otago Embroiderers Guild: Ph (03) 418-4066.

Tapanui & Districts Toy Library: Friday 11.30am-1pm and Tuesday 9-10am.

South Otago School of Bagpipe Music: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday afternoons, after school. Phone 027 418-2461.


Al-Anon Group: Sharing meetings at St Joseph’s Parish Hall, 7.30pm. Web: Ph 027 337-5175.

Art Studio: Immerse yourself in the creative process. 21 Scotland St, Balclutha, 10am-4pm every Thursday. Contact Maria ph 021 827-935.

Tokomairiro Young Farmers Club: First Thursday of the month, 7.30pm, White Horse Inn, Milton. Not just for farmers. 18-33 years.

Balclutha Brass Band: 6.30pm at the band rooms in Renfrew St. Contact Dale on 022-607-1690.

Balclutha Bridge Club: Learning classes, 7pm. Ph Jane Thomson (03) 418-4176.

Balclutha Genealogical Society: Meet at the public library, first Thursday of the month, 7.30pm. Ph (03) 418-2621.

Balclutha Parents Centre Playgroup: 9.30-11.30am.

Balclutha Rotary Club: Meets 6pm SOT&C Club. Ph 027 418-0334.

Mind Matters Support Group: Helping people to gain mental and emotional wellness, 34 Charlotte St, Balclutha, 6pm-7pm. Newcomers welcome. Contact Maria 021 827935 or Olivia 021 185-9483.

SOZO Art Therapy: Studio now open, 1-5pm, Thursdays, 21 Scotland St...

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