Gaslighting tackled in masters

Published date24 May 2023
Publication titleCourier, The
She felt so confused as she did not know what the feeling was, until one of her friends mentioned gaslighting, she said

‘‘I started researching the term and found that it fit in with what I was experiencing.’’

She wanted her thesis to help people to recognise this type of behaviour and know when to step in and say something.

When she had appendicitis she was given two ibuprofen and two paracetamol, while a man who also had appendicitis was hooked up to a drip and given stronger medication.

‘‘It took seven years for them to diagnose me with endometriosis.

‘‘I always got told I was too young, or that I couldn’t have that.

‘‘I’m not trying to say all doctors are bad, I’m saying people need to be made aware how to spot when they are being gaslit and when to step in and say something about it.’’

Her thesis topic focused on the gaslighting of women, but also explored how early medical research was based on men,’’ she said.

‘‘Women are less likely to be prescribed medicine for the same symptoms as a man.

‘‘I am not saying that men do not experience gaslighting, but women just happen to experience it more.’’

If she were to do her PhD she would extend her research topic to include everyone, not just women, she said.

‘‘People are putting up with this without questioning it... we have come to...

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