More than just another obstacle: health, domestic purposes beneficiaries, and the transition to paid work.

AuthorBaker, Maureen


The difficulties faced by sole mothers in the welfare-to-work transition are well documented, but policy researchers tend to focus on "employability" issues rather than the known relationship between poverty and poor health. This paper explores the impact of self-reported poor health on the ability of beneficiaries to seek and retain paid work. The research material is derived from a two-year study funded by the Health Research Council. In this paper we focus on the results from qualitative interviews with 120 sole mothers receiving the New Zealand Domestic Purposes Benefit. Two major findings are presented. First, poor health presents a substantial and under-appreciated barrier to a transition into sustainable paid employment for some sole mothers. Second, health is more than just another obstacle to employment when it is understood within the social context of their lived experiences and identities. The implications of these findings for policy and programme delivery, which we outline in the final section, are significant both for New Zealand and for other countries with similar social programmes.


International research has documented numerous difficulties faced by sole mothers in making the transition from "welfare" to work. For many, the successful passage into employment is strewn with such obstacles as unaffordable or unreliable childcare, inflexible workplace practices, high work-related costs, insufficient job skills or confidence, and few employment contacts. While New Zealand and other OECD countries have emphasised the "employability" of beneficiaries, the well-documented interrelationships among poverty, sole parenthood and poor health have not featured prominently in policy discussions.

This paper is based on qualitative interviews with sole mothers receiving New Zealand's Domestic Purposes Benefit (1) (DPB), and focuses on their perceptions of the impact of poor health on seeking and retaining paid work. Health-related concerns are perceived to create significant and under-appreciated barriers to a sustainable transition into paid employment by many sole mothers. In the context of their socioeconomic circumstances, poor physical and mental health appears to be widespread, and is more than just another obstacle to paid work. Poor health actually compounds their other problems. The final section of our paper presents the policy implications of these findings.


Numerous studies suggest that the impact of motherhood on employment and income differs from that of fatherhood in industrialised countries. Women's job opportunities and wages relative to men's are most likely to decline after they become mothers, as mothers are more likely than fathers to disrupt paid work for family responsibilities (O'Connor et al. 1999, Baker 2001). The probability of earning low wages and living in poverty is further augmented if mothers are members of certain cultural groups, lack job experience, or live without a male breadwinner (Vosko 2000). Considerable research also suggests that neither state benefits nor employment earnings allow many sole mothers to escape from poverty (Edin and Lein 1997, Hunsley 1997, Baker and Tippin 1999).

Compared to partnered mothers and fathers, sole mothers typically have lower levels of education and job skills, and are seldom able to find well-paid jobs with flexible hours and job security (Goodger and Larose 1999, Millar and Rowlingson 2001). Fewer have worked long enough with the same employer to be entitled to employment-related benefits, such as sick leave. Fewer are able to share childcare with a family member. Many sole mothers also experience emotional problems arising from marriage breakdown, continuing disputes with former partners, and children's behavioural problems that interfere with finding and keeping paid work (Pryor and Rodgers 2001).

Sole mothers usually view their children as their major priority, and some perceive the opportunity to care for young children at home on social benefits as more viable than earning low wages and worrying about children's supervision (Edin and Lein 1997, Curtis 2001, Millar and Rowlingson 2001). However, an increasing number of mothers are attracted to paid work by the opportunity to meet new people, to use their skills and earn some money, and the desire to be a "role model" for their children. In addition, the stigma of social assistance, the constant scrutiny by case managers and neighbours, and low benefit levels motivate others to seek employment. In New Zealand, employment rates for sole mothers increased before new employment requirements were enforced for beneficiaries in the 1990s (Goodger and Larose 1999, Goodger 2001). This confirms that factors other than policy requirements encourage sole mothers into paid work. However, many mothers with young children feel that part-time work is more manageable than full-time work because it allows them to improve their incomes while retaining their caring responsibilities.

In the United States, with its punitive welfare-to-work policies, (2) "welfare mothers" who move into paid work are most likely to remain employed and less likely to return to social benefits if they have more than 12 years of schooling, previous employment experience, and fewer than three children (Harris 1996, Cancian et al. 1999, Corcoran et al. 2000). Job instability is also related to family stresses, domestic violence, physical and mental health problems, substance abuse, inappropriate work behaviours, and employer discrimination (Riccio and Freedman 1995).

Dorsett and Marsh (1998) reported that British sole mothers have high rates of cigarette smoking, augmenting financial problems and poor health. Low income, poor health and low morale all interfere with returning to paid work and improving their circumstances. Curtis (2001) found that Canadian sole mothers typically report poorer health than married mothers, but when they controlled for age, income, education, lifestyle factors, family size, and other recognised determinants of health, the differences diminished. Sarfati and Scott (2001) found that New Zealand sole mothers were more likely to be Maori, to have lower family incomes, lower educational qualifications, and to live in more deprived areas. They also found both poorer physical and mental health among lone mothers, but the physical health differences disappeared after controlling for socio-economic variables. Whitehead et al. (2000) concluded that the Swedish social security system is better at keeping sole mothers healthier and out of poverty than the British system, but that Swedish sole mothers still report poorer health than partnered mothers.

New Zealand governments made a number of policy changes affecting women on the DPB throughout the 1990s (Wilson 2000). At the time of this study, Work and Income (3) required beneficiaries to seek paid work, organised community work, or education/job training if their youngest child was at least six years old and they were not deemed ineligible for health-related or other reasons. However, in April 2003 the Government removed the "work test". DPB mothers are still encouraged to seek employment or skills training but paid work is no longer mandatory. Because our study was done under the former work-testing regime, some of the difficulties reported by mothers may no longer apply. However, the relationship between poverty and poor health continues, affecting the transition from welfare to work for beneficiaries. Therefore, the insights into the health-work nexus offered by this research are still relevant to social policy in New Zealand as well as overseas.


The larger study, funded by the New Zealand Health Research Council (4) and facilitated by the (former) Department of Work and Income, involved three aspects. First, the SF-36 health questionnaire was mailed to sole mothers receiving the DPB in the spring of 2000, with results reported by McMillan and Worth (2001) and Baker (2002). Second, Work and Income gave us access to internal documents and manuals, which complemented interviews/focus groups with national staff and case managers, previously discussed by Tippin and Baker (2002). This paper deals with the project's third aspect: qualitative interviews with DPB sole mothers with children over six years old and who, at the time of the interviews, were expected to seek paid work or job training.

The sample was drawn from sole mothers from three Work and Income offices in the North Island: Otara (South Auckland), Brown's Bay (Auckland's North Shore) and Kaitaia (Northland). These offices were selected to provide diversity in terms of socioeconomic status, ethnicity and urban-rural experiences. In September 2001 Work and Income selected prospective interviewees from its database, but all respondents were asked to contact the research team directly to ensure their anonymity. As an incentive, beneficiaries who agreed to participate had their names entered into draws for food hampers, (5) Between September and December 2001 we talked to 120 sole mothers for about an hour each, typically in their homes, and the interviews were tape-recorded and later transcribed.

The findings presented below represent the experiences and views of the sole mothers we interviewed and cannot be taken to represent the entire beneficiary population. In the previous mailed survey, one-third of the mothers reported physical or mental health problems that interfered with daily life. However, in reporting results from the interview survey we have not quantified responses to questions about health. The paper tends to focus more on sole mothers who reported health problems, and the entire sample may also over-represent those with grievances against Work and Income. Nevertheless, the data provide a contribution to the project's main objective: to understand and elaborate the dimensions that...

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