Copyright Tribunal
- Recording Industry Association of New Zealand v Teleom NZ 2592
- Recording Industry Association of New Zealand v TCLE-A-T5877102
- Recording Industry Association of New Zealand v CAL2013-E000614
- Recording Industry Association of New Zealand v TCLE-A-T6054929
- Recording Industry Association of New Zealand v CAL012-E000609
- Recording Industry Association of New Zealand v Telecom NZ 3553
- Recording Industry Association of New Zealand v Telecom NZ 3663
- Recording Industry Association of New Zealand v Telecom NZ 3728
- Recording Industry Association of New Zealand v CAL2012-E000627
- Recording Industry Association of New Zealand v Telecom NZ 4296
- Recording Industry Association of New Zealand v Telecom NZ 4366
- Recording Industry Association of New Zealand v TCLE-A-T6518151
- Recording Industry Association of New Zealand v Telecom NZ 2688
- Recording Industry Association of New Zealand v Telecom NZ 3760
- Recording Industry Association of New Zealand v Telecom NZ 4451
- Recording Industry Association of New Zealand v CAL2013-E000737
- Recording Industry Association of New Zealand v TCLEA-T7364885
- Copyright Licensing Limited v Universities of NZ
- Copyright Licensing Limited v Universities of NZ
- Copyright Licensing Limited v Universities of NZ
- Recorded Music NZ v VOD02014-D-R-9488397
- Recorded Music NZ v VOD02014-D-R-9488397
- Recorded Music NZ Limited v VOD052014-D-R-9242889
- Recorded Music NZ Limited v VOD052014-D-R-9242889
- Recorded Music NZ Limited v Telecom NZ 6806
- Recorded Music NZ Limited v Telecom NZ 6806
- Recorded Music NZ Limited v Telecom NZ 7011
- Recorded Music NZ Limited v Telecom NZ 7011