Roar rules - the 5 Ps

Published date22 March 2023
"The Roar is the highlight of the hunting year and as I often describe it, bigger than Christmas for deer hunters," says GAC general manager Tim Gale said

"While I definitely want to encourage hunters to get out and enjoy some great hunting, I also want to remind them to take the necessary precautions to make sure they have a safe and successful trip."

The five Ps, focuses on preparation and decisions hunters make before and during the hunt.

"If you undertake the right planning, carry the right gear, take a personal locator beacon and leave your intentions then you significantly improve your chances if something goes wrong," Mr Gale said.

"Likewise, positively identifying your target, treating every firearm as loaded and chambering a cartridge only when ready to fire significantly reduces the likelihood of a firearms incident. "I also strongly recommend...

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